Monday, September 30, 2019

Behavior Description Interview Essay

You have invested the time of several experienced employees and a good deal of expense to interview a number of promising entry-level accountants. However, you wonder if your interviewing techniques are really helping you hire the job candidates that will be superior performers and help your organization remain profitable. Your concerns may be justified if you are using a typical interviewing strategy in which there is no standard set of questions or a strategy in which interview questions do not explicitly focus on the past behavior of the applicant. Yet, there is an alternative. Studies in human-resource management suggest that behavior description interviewing may help you identify better performers from the rest of the applicants PRINCIPLES OF THE BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION INTERVIEW The first principle of the Behavior Description (BD) interview is interviewers standardize or structure the interview. The most important aspect of standardization is asking applicants the same or highly Similar questions. This allows all applicants to have a chance to provide information about certain job-related concerns and allows interviewers to compare similar types of information. The alternative of each interviewer asking their own questions will have your organization comparing apples and oranges when trying to make hiring decisions. Often this leads to lower quality hiring decisions. An organization may also seek to standardize the location of the interview, the individual who conducts the interview, etc. Any efforts to ensure similar treatment of applicants should be encouraged. An additional benefit of standardizing interview questions is that the interview is more defensible in court. In the past, organizations that had standardized questions won employment discrimination lawsuits more often than those without standardized questions. The second principle of BD interviewing is to explicitly focus on past behavior. BD enthusiasts believe that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. They also believe more recent behavior is a better predictor of future behavior than older behavior and that longstanding trends are better predictors of behavior than isolated incidents. The belief in the effectiveness of using past behavior to predict future behavior leads BD interviewers to ask certain questions. These questions use a superlative adjective (e.g. most, least, toughest, etc.) to focus the applicant on one particular incident of behavior. For example, accounting firms need staff members who are willing to address both internal and client problems. To gather relevant information about an applicant, a BD interviewer might ask the applicant to â€Å"tell me about the last time a new idea of yours helped an organization or group work better.† The interviewer might also be ready with follow-up questions such as â€Å"how did you develop this idea,† â€Å"how did you convince your supervisor or client to adopt it,† and â€Å"how did it help the organi zation?† The follow-up questions may be answered as the applicant discusses a particular situation, but their presence alerts the interviewer that this information is important. In another instance, accounting professionals are often called upon to make presentations to groups such as audit committees or boards of directors. Accordingly, an interviewer might ask a job candidate to â€Å"tell me about the most difficult presentation you have ever had to make to a group of five or more people.† Probes might include â€Å"what was the presentation about,† â€Å"how did you prepare for it,† and â€Å"was the presentation evaluated or graded?† In each case, the BD approach to interviewing should yield a large amount of high quality information to the interviewer and can help the somewhat anxious applicant have a particular incident to discuss. The BD approach to interviewing can be strongly contrasted with more typical interviewing strategies. First, typical strategies suggest interviewers â€Å"let candidates take the interview where they want to,† â€Å"go with the flow,† or let the interviewee talk about any subject they desire so that you can best assess their personality. While this advice is encountered frequently, it is highly inaccurate. Studies contrasting BD interviewing to this approach show that the BD interview does a much better job of predicting job performance. In addition, studies that statistically combine the results of 10,000+ interviews from many smaller studies strongly suggest that various styles of interviews that standardize questions or other aspects of the interview work much better than the nonstandardized interview styles. Second, BD interviewing seeks to avoid making judgments of applicants’ personalities. Assessing personality characteristics in a 345 minute interview would be highly difficult for a psychologist. As a result, many professionals rely on well established tests to measure personality–they are cheaper to use and much more accurate. Additionally, many personality characteristics do not have a history of predicting job success. Currently, many human resource management professionals believe intelligence and dependability do differentiate higher performers from lower performers. Extroversion, considered by many to be a positive trait for auditing personnel, also differentiates higher versus lower performers in some situations. Other traits should be viewed with caution until they clearly are shown to relate to job performance. Care should also be taken in trying to match the personality type of an applicant to the personality of the office. While it is extremely difficult to measure either of the above, it is also potentially hazardous. The solution to this problem is to avoid using most personality traits and ask applicants about past behavior that may be similar to behavior required on the job. Finally, the BD interviewer tries to avoid hypothetical and self evaluative questions. In most cases, there is little evidence to suggest that most hypothetical questions actually distinguish between better and poorer performing individuals. This may be due to the difficulty of injecting enough â€Å"reality† in the situation to make it a good predictor of job success. Self-evaluative questions such as â€Å"describe yourself† or â€Å"are you computer literate† also have no history of predicting job performance. In addition, they ask the applicant to do your job for you. You should decide how competent applicants are in a particular area since you are worried about their contribution to your organization. Applicants’ answers are influenced to a large degree by their desire to land a job. BD interviews differ from situational interviews. Recent literature has confused the two approaches. While the BD interview focuses on past applicant behavior, the situational interview asks applicants how they would behave in future situations (extensive research is used to create real situations). The situational interview can also require different types of rating scales to be used at the end of the interview. While there are several differences between BD interviewing, situational interviewing, and typical interviews, there are also similarities. BD interviewers also believe it is important to break the ice with applicants, that they should ask for an applicant’s preferred name, that they should take notes, and they should close the interview in a professional manner. These guidelines are important in any style of interview. STEPS TO CONSTRUCTING A BD INTERVIEW Three steps should be used to develop a BD interview. They are illustrated in the following hypothetical example involving the hiring of entry-level accountants in a CPA . Interviewers need to analyze the job and determine the key results areas. Key results areas are the major tasks or behaviors that an entry-level accountant must be able to accomplish. Key results areas may be defined by many different strategies including a discussion among recruiters, managers, and partners. Key results areas might include: 1. Communicate with other individuals-a. In verbal and written forms with other accountants including supervisors and peers; b. In verbal and written forms with clients; 2. Diagnoses organizational problems; 3. Recommend solutions to organizational problems; and 4. Use common computer software (e.g., spreadsheet programs, data retrieval software, on-line services, or tax-preparation packages). The above behaviors or tasks should be examined to determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that will enable them to be accomplished. Thus, an entry-level accountant should have: 1. Written communication skills to interact through letters and reports to clients and other accountants; 2. Verbal communication skills to communicate with clients and other accountants (not necessarily including making presentations to large groups); 3. Ability to diagnose problems in complex situations; 4. Ability to solve problems individually and in groups; 5. Ability to attend to large amounts of detail; 6. Ability to manage multiple tasks; 7. Knowledge of common software programs; The KSAs required lead to a selection plan that involves a series of BD questions. In this example it is assumed that there will be two interviews: a recruiting interview at the school and an invitation to the firm’s office. To evaluate the candidate’s KSAs the following questions and probes might be used. 1 Written communication skills a. Ask for a sample of writing from a professional or educational setting before the second interview. 2. Verbal communication skills: a. Watch for verbal communication skills throughout each interview and rate them at the end of the first and second interviews. 3. Ability to diagnose problems in complex situations: a. Tell me about the last time you recognized a problem in an organization in which you were involved. * How did you recognize the problem? * How did you study the problem? * How did you determine a solution to the problem? b. Tell me about a time in the last year in which you were gathering information from a person who was being uncoopeative. * What was the situation? * Why were they being uncooperative? * How did you feel? * How did you get the information you needed? * What was the result in this situation? 4. Ability to solve problems individually and in groups/teams: a. What was the most successful solution that you and a group of other individuals developed to a particular problem? * What was the problem? * What was your role? * What was the result of your solution? b. What is the toughest problem that you as an individual have solved in an educational or work setting? * What was the problem? * What was the result of your solution? 5. Ability to attend to large amounts of detail: a. Tell me about the last time when you had to gather large amounts of information to complete a project. *What was the project? *How did you organize the details? * What was the end result? * Did anyone assign you a grade for the project? b. Which class of yours required the most attention to detail. Please tell me how you dealt with the demands of the class. * How did it require attention to detail? * What was your strategy to deal with the detail? *What was the result? 6. Ability to manager multiple tasks: a. Tell me about how you managed your school work and extracircular activities during your busiest semester. * What made the semester so busy? * Did you have any priorities? * Where there any strategies that helped you cope? * How did the semester turn out (in terms of grades, activities, etc.)? b. Tell me about the last time you had to â€Å"juggle† several different responsibililties when you held a job. * What were the responsibilities? * Did you have any priorities? * Where there any strategies that helped you cope? 7. Knowledge of computer software programs: a. Please tell us about the most involved computer project that you have been involved with in school or in an organization. * What software was involved? * What was your role? * What was the result or grade? 4. Please tell us about the last time you learned a new piece of software. * What did it help you accomplish? * How did you learn it? * Did you enjoy the experience? c. Please tell us about any time that you used a spreadsheet program such as Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, or Excel. * Was individually or a group? *What did you need to accomplish? * What was the result or grade? Once the questions are developed, recruiters should organize the questions and probes into some logical order on an interview form. The form may provide reminders to greet the applicant warmly and any other reminders desired by the recruiters. It should definitely leave enough room for notes about the answer to each question. These notes can be extremely helpful when recruiters are trying to remember the remarks of each person recently interviewed. We recommend that recruiters practice with the new interviewing form. Recruiters may pair off and take turns playing the interviewer and the applicant, or they may wish to enlist a student to go through an interview. The trial interviews could be recorded on a video camera. The feedback from the video playback is often a very valuable learning experience. Lastly, an interviewer evaluation report should be designed to record ratings for each candidate. The process is relatively simple once the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required by the job have been listed. We suggest that recruiters list all the KSAs down one side of the paper as seen in Figure 1. (Figure omitted) This will allow a systematic consideration of each applicant against job requirements. Next, recruiters should choose a rating scale. We have – chosen a five-point scale anchored by â€Å"very little† of the KSA on one end of the scale and ‘a great amount† on the other end of the scale Scales should have from five to seven points and anchors meaningful to the recruiters. A place for notes or comments and a set of simple instructions is also recommended. Finally, there should be a place for an overall evaluation of the candidate. There are several different methods which can be used to generate an overall evaluation score. A recruiter can make an overall evaluation of the candidate on the same scale used for each KSA. Unfortunately, past research has suggested that this method is not very reliable. Another option is presented in the figure on page 77. In this case the recruiters add their ratings to form a final evaluation. This approach is relatively simple and often yields final recommendations quite similar to more complex methods. Furthermore, individual KSA’s can be weighted differently. In this case, each KSA evaluation score could be multiplied by its weight. All scores would be summed to obtain an overall score For example, assume that the first four KSA’s in the figure were assigned weights of .2 and the last three KSA’s weights of .1. A candidate might be given a rating of 5 on the first two KSA’s and ratings of 4 on the other KSA’s. The candidate’s overall evaluation score would equal 4.8 (5 x .2 + 5 x 2+ 4 x .2 + 4 x 2 + 4 x .1+ 4 x .1+ 4 x .1). Either of the last two approaches is recommended. The authors would like to thank Paul Osting (Vice-Chairman, Human Resources, Ernst & Young, New York, NY), J. Breck Boynton (Director of Human Resources, Elliot, Davis, & Company, Greensville, SC) and Patricia G. Roth (Clemson University) for their comments and suggestions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Saving Someone’s Life As A Heroic Act

Saving someone’s life is always looked upon as a heroic. It is acceptable for society to ridicule us should we choose not to respond? Should society throw shame and guilt on us? If in the process of saving someone’s life we loose ours, we did a heroic act, but is that wise? Saving someone else life is a heroic act and deserve a lot of praise and respect. If one person tries to save the life of another person on the cost of his own life then this is a very noble act. Though in our society there are people of every thought and not everyone will appreciate this act, however, we should not see what people say about it. When one person is in very difficult situation that it can cost his life, then we should put our all efforts to save the life of a person. It is our moral responsibility as well as brotherhood. We must understand the situation while thinking that suppose if we would be in such a tough and difficult situation we would like someone to come and save us then it is of utmost importance that we should give our full support to such a person. The question that ‘whether we’ll loose our life in saving other person’s life? ’ remains controversial. As it is not necessary that we will loose ours but of course there are chances that we can loose our own life in an attempt to save other’s life. However, this is the main point of nobility to prefer others over our own self. This is the reason that it is said to be the heroic act. In saving other person’s life society may ridicule us because we took risk of our own life to save other person’s life. But we should always ignore what people say about this. We must not respond to the irritating remarks. Instead, society should always encourage these noble acts and must not blame or throw shame on others. The real essence of our life is to help out others in all possible circumstances. We must prefer and give value to others over our own-self. Hence, this is not the act of shame, but it is a dignified act and has a noble cause. It is not reasonable that society must ridicule us. In fact, ridiculing such a noble act is itself an act of disgrace. We must have enough courage to think of every individual as an important being. Such act also involves immediate thinking and taking decision to save other person from danger. If all society will turn to be more self-fish and refrain from saving others in time of danger then this is a dishonor. For example, if we see a car accident and if we see driver can be pulled out of the car before it goes on flames then we must immediately do it. Though it bears the risk that car will blow-off and anyone standing nearby will blow-off too, but refraining to help driver out will be a selfish act. The decision that whether we should risk our lives or whether we should let other person die is an important one. Nevertheless, the wisdom lies behind the fact that we must put our all efforts to save other person as we might seek when our own life will be in danger. Though it will involve taking risk of our own lives but still we should do our best to save others. This is the act of great generosity and nobility. A dying person always seeks help from others and wants others to save his life. This is our moral duty to save other person. The wisdom behind this act is that we must give preference to others over our own self and secondly we must help others in a way that we seek from others.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Albert Camus Essay Example for Free (#2)

Albert Camus Essay ? How Aschenbach and Meursault in Death in Venice and The Stranger respectively, are driven by mind initially then change to being driven by the heart as the result of a key event In both The Stranger and Death in Venice, the characters change as the book progresses. There is mainly one action that sparks this drastic change. In The Stranger, this action is the murder of Raymond’s mistress’ brother, and in Death in Venice this critical moment occurs when Aschenbach has the sudden urge to travel. Aschenbach and Meursault are both characters that move from one extreme to the other. They begin as characters who make decisions based solely on what their mind tells them. As the novel develops, these characters move to the other extreme, which is making decisions based solely on what their heart tells them. This transition from extreme logical thinking to extreme emotional thinking is what leads to the downfall of both Aschenbach and Meursault. As the novel begins, Thomas Mann introduces Aschenbach as a fairly likable German writer. Initially the reader sees Aschenbach as a normal character anyone can relate to. He lives a very stable life, and has never traveled before. Aschenbach is a character who is extremely involved in his work and one who organizes his entire life based on how he can best achieve quality in his work. At this point in the novel Aschenbach makes all his decisions using his mind rather than his heart. While taking a stroll, Aschenbach sees a man with red hair as well as long teeth. It is this man that pushes his mind in to traveling. Aschenbach begins to change as soon as he sets his mind to travel. In his daydream regarding his adventure he envisions a â€Å"†¦ landscape, a tropical swampy region under a vapor-laden sky, damp, luxuriant and uncanny; it was like the portrait of a primitive world of islands morasses and slit-laden rivers† (pg 3, Mann). The symbol of Aschenbach’s departure on this journey is the sign of the beginning of his decline. It is from this point on that Aschenbach transforms from being a normal man who makes logical decisions with is brain, to one that makes decisions with his heart. As Aschenbach’s journey progresses, he notices many men with red hair and long white teeth like the one that inspired him to travel. This shows the constant rapid declining of Aschenbach. His first sight of Tadzio in the hotel marks the beginning of the extreme heart-driven Aschenbach. His description of Tadzio clearly portrays his obsession. â€Å"With astonishment Aschenbach observed that the boy was perfectly beautiful. His face, pale and charmingly secretive with the honey-colored hair curling around it, with its straight-sloping nose, its lovely mouth and its expression of sweet and divine earnestness recalled Greek statues of the noblest period, and, along with its extremely pure perfection of form, it was of such unique personal charm that the onlooker thought he had never come across anything so felicitous either in nature or in art† (pg 20, Mann). Once Aschenbach begins to follow Tadzio’s every step, the reader notices that Aschenbach is becoming more and more indulged in Tadzio’s life rather than his own. â€Å"His head and his heart were drunk, and his steps followed the dictates of that dark god whose pleasure it is to trample man’s reason and dignity underfoot†. Even when Aschenbach learns of an epidemic, he realizes that if he dies along with Tadzio, they will be able to meet in heaven. Aschenbach loses total control of his mind and gives in to Venice, a â€Å"city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism. † Even when given the opportunity to leave Venice and escape cholera, his love for Tadzio weighs him down. Aschenbach then has fantasies about everyone else dying, and him being left alone with Tadzio. Now it can be clearly seen that Aschenbach’s passion is coming directly from the heart, and no thinking is being done on his part. This extreme obsession from Aschenbach’s heart immediately leads to his downfall. He dies in his chair, and it is hours before anyone notices. Albert Camus introduces Meursault as a character people are quite taken aback by. Albert Camus. (2017, Oct 02).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Investment Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Investment Banking - Essay Example In UK the investment banking scenario has undergone radical transformation in the two decades covering the period 1985-2005.In the following paragraphs we probe available literature in order to outline main drivers of this transformation and emerging scenario. There have been very many drivers determining the landscape of investment banking activities in UK.Principal among them are new paradigms in regulation and supervision over investment banking activities and changed due to high risk assumption by agents as traders and investment banking failures, US influence through take over, merger and acquisitions of British investment banking activities, increasing importance of relationship banking and radically altered scale of FDI activity in UK area since late 1980s reflective of hastening pace of globalization and relationship relocations. The trading theory in finance exclusive reliance is placed on expected utility theory (Bernstein, 1996). Even agency theory of trading like expected utility theory, has, since Williamson (1963), assumed consistent risk aversion of agents acting for risk neutral principals. Principals, are assumed to be risk neutral as they can diversify their share holding across firms, are forced to either incur opportunity costs in monitoring agent activities or give agents bonuses/ incentives to equal agents' and their risk appetites. (Eisenhardt, 1989;Tosi and Gomez-Meija, 1989; Beatty and Zajac, 1994; Jensen and Meckling, 1976).Similarly both expected utility and Agency theories assume perfect rationality .However Agency theory has defined aggregate irrationality in the form of Noise trading. Dow and Gorton (1997) state that traders have problems taking rational decisions between 'simply doing nothing', 'actively doing nothing' and the need to avoid contracts which give incentives for inactivit y. In dilemma, agents may get in ex ante unprofitable trades that have some chance of being profitable ex post' (Dow and Gorton ,1997).Market turns more liquid and trades entered in far exceed principals' requirements. In case ex-post profit expectations come untrue-widespread trading losses are experienced. Sociological and psychological approaches have also explained irrational trading behavior and unnecessary risk assumption and realized trading losses leading to malfeasance charges. Among them important are irrationality causing factors such as trading on the basis of personal familiarity (Baker, 1986),herding (Adler and Adler, 1984), and decision making affected by stress (Kahn and Cooper, 1993), prospect theory defined as a preference for the avoidance of loss, even at higher risk (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, Tversky and Kahneman, 1986), judgmental biases in decision making (Bazerman, 1998) , imputed rather than measured - decision making bias by individual traders(Thaler, 1991, 1993; Shefrin, 2000).This sets the theoretical foundation for high risk assumption and losses in trading activities by investment bankers agents. High bonus payments

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sigma Motion Inc. Application #4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sigma Motion Inc. Application #4 - Essay Example The founder of the company, Ron Burton, is an experienced businessman in the linear motion products environment and he inherited the skills running family business from his father. The impression from the case is that, the Burton family incorporated nonfamily management in its desire for the company’s success. Alderson (95) points out that engagement of nonfamily management in family business is an important practice in ensuring continuity of business activities in case the successor is not fully prepared to assume the top leadership position. In reality, for a family business to be successful, there must be proper coordination between the family and the external workforce. According to the case, Sigma Motion Inc had several competitive advantages that gave room for its continued success. These competitive advantages included its small size, competent engineering team, high quality of products, customization of services, a wide product line and a proficient management team. Essentially, the small size of the company facilitated apt reaction to customer requests and market changes. In addition, with a well established and competent engineering team, the company was able to diligently handle technical issues and give prompt advice to customers. In essence proper handling of customers has the impact of developing customer loyalty and consequently providing a wider market. Provision of high quality products and a five year warrant plan by the company contributed to its better performance than its competitors. The establishment of a deep production line facilitated rapid business growth and sustainable product development. Consequently, establishment of a p roficient management team composed of internal family members and external mangers was a significant step to ensuring long stay of the company in the linear motion

Identify a strategic leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Identify a strategic leader - Essay Example Jobs does not just go into a product category and make what everyone else is making. Rather, he gets into the minds and hearts of customers by figuring out what he wants and eventually everyone ends up loving his products because of their uniqueness. He thinks ahead and builds future. Some assume that Apple Inc. will not be able to survive without Steve Jobs, however, Jobs says otherwise. He believes in the people working at Apple Inc. and claims that there are really capable people at Apple Inc. Thus he appreciates those working with him and does not take the entire credit himself. Hence by the way he deals with his employees and his products, he really is a strategic leader and has proven that by making Apple Inc. a dream come true. Assignment #2 Please respond to these 3 people comment please make it short and as a discussion format thank you Person#1 Meg Whitman is a former CEO of EBay. She joined EBay in 1998 when the company had only 30 employees and revenues of $4 million. Ori ginally, when Whitman had joined eBay, she found the website as a simple black and white webpage. She believed the site to be confusing and began by building a new executive team.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Colonial history US History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Colonial history US History - Research Paper Example This information has been gathered over the past seven days through intelligence by the forces. Relevant sources inform that there is news spreading through the countryside that some leaders had strayed in Lexington, and had weapons stored in Concord for purposes of destabilizing the crown. General Gage who sent his aides to town in the past four days organized this intelligence gathering; hence, the militias were aware of Gage’s mission and intelligence plans. Therefore, they had established a communication system so that they could know in advance when the government’s forces were coming (â€Å"The Battle of Lexington† 310). This was made to ensure that their military supplies were safe. The militia is said to be under the command and organization of sympathetic colonialists Samuel Adams and John Hancock. One of the militia’s comrades Paul Revere had organized a communication system of alerting the militia of the military’s coming and actions. On 19 April, upon spotting the British army, he used two lanterns as a signal of the British forces approach to seize the military equipments in Concord. However, aware of the generals interest in the town, the militia were said to have moved their equipment to other towns away from Concord (â€Å"The Battle of Lexington† 310). Word has it that he rode while signaling the lanterns from the north church across the Charles River. Revere and Dowse hurriedly rode their horses to the west of the town to sound the warning of the British arrival. The other messengers awakened the town by using the church bells, sounding of drums and firing shots to call everyone out. The town was suddenly running up and down from the alarms; moreover, John Parker who lined them up as the warning continued organized the militia. The militia’s actions are likely to mark the beginning of a revolution against the crown; this is expressed by the events that happened before the shot that was heard around Lexington and people say was

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Serious Reflection and Critical Thinking Through Understanding the Use Essay - 1

Serious Reflection and Critical Thinking Through Understanding the Use of Social Media - Essay Example Initially, students used to meet and discuss issues in an attempt to come up with a conclusion. Personal interactions encouraged students to tackle challenging issues through intensive research. In addition, through one-on-one interactions, it was easy to divide the roles and support each other in a specific task. This encouraged the students to think critically in order to support the rest of the group members. However, this is not the case. The students are currently using social media and other instant communication methods to communicate with each other while completing a task. This has made it very hard for them to think critically as a group and reflect on the issues at hand. College students can practice serious reflection in our always connected and instantaneous world through regulating their own time. Time management has become a major issue with the modern communication methods. Therefore, in order to ensure that there no frequent interruptions which affect the studentâ₠¬â„¢s reflection and critical thinking, they need to come up with a strict plan on when and how to use the social media and other instantaneous communication methods (Biagi 2012). For instance, they need to switch off some of the gadgets they use in communication while in group discussions or conducting research. This would make it possible for them to reflect and re-imagine the issue at hand. The students should embrace group work rather than individual assignments. Group discussions are very significant in enabling the students to brainstorm ideas.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Legal Position Of Fashion Designs Plc Assignment

Legal Position Of Fashion Designs Plc - Assignment Example The essay "Legal Position Of Fashion Designs Plc" talks about Legal Position Of Fashion Designs Plc. The North West which was purchased for  £100,000 is now shown to be worth only  £60,000. The North outlet which has a book value of  £50,000 is now worth  £60,000. The company has  £100,000 in the share premium account and a further  £100,000 in the capital redemption reserve account. Now take a quick look upon the net assets in the accounts of the fashion designs plc company, or a discarding of an interest in an undertaking which will outcome in the undertaking’s net assets no longer being merge in the accounts of the fashion designs plc company, the assets the subject of the business means the value of 100% of the undertaking’s assets, irrespective of what interest is obtain or disposed. In the case of a gaining or discarding which is not a substance acquisition/disposal, the assets the subject of the deal means. If we analyzed then we come to know that pro fits attributable to the assets the subject of the transaction x 100%. For these reasons â€Å"Profits of the fashion designs plc company† means profits before taxation and strange items as stated in the subsequent. For these purposes the â€Å"Gross assets of the fashion designs plc company† means the total of its fixed assets plus total existing assets. These figures ought to be taken from the mainly current of the following: The mainly newly notified unite balance sheet; or Where an admission article has been shaped for the purposes of admission subsequent. a reverse conquest, any pro forma net asset declaration published in the entrance document may be used, provide it is derived from information taken from the previous published audited merge accounts and that any alteration to this information are obviously shown and give details; or - In a case where dealings are collective pursuant to rule 14 of the aim rules, the for the most part recently notified merge balance sheet (as at a date prior to the earliest collective transaction). Net Asset Test Now take a quick look upon the net assets in the accounts of the fashion designs plc company, or a discarding of an interest in an undertaking which will outcome in the undertaking's net assets no longer being merge in the accounts of the fashion designs plc company, the assets the subject of the business means the value of 100% of the undertaking's assets, irrespective of what interest is obtain or disposed. In the case of a gaining or discarding which is not a substance acquisition/disposal, the assets the subject of the deal means: - For a gaining, the thought plus any responsibility assumed; and - For a discarding, the book value of the assets credited to that interest in the fashion designs plc company's last audited accounts. - In the case of a gaining of assets other than an interest in a responsibility, the assets the subject of the deal means the book value of those assets Profit Test If we analyzed then we come to know that profits attributable to the assets the subject of the transaction x 100%. Profits of the fashion designs plc company For these reasons "Profits of the fashion designs plc company" means profits before taxation and strange items as stated in the subsequent: - The last published annual merge accounts; - The last notified beginning statement of yearly results; or - In a case where dealings are collective pursuant to rule 14 of the fashion designs plc Rules, the last such accounts or statement prior to the initial transaction. In a case of a gaining or disposal of an interest in an responsibility where accounting consolidation applies, the "profits attributable to the assets the subject of the deal" means 100% of the profits of the undertaking irrespective of what interest is obtain or disposed. Law Position No doubt, a reverse takeover is a gaining or acquisitions in a twelve month period that for a fashion designs Plc Company would: Surpass 100 per cent. in any of the 'class tests' set out above; Outcome in a basic alter in its business, board or voting control; or In the case of an advance company, depart considerably from the investment

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Traits of a Functional Manager Essay Example for Free

Traits of a Functional Manager Essay A managers role in any organization is the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively. (Jones,2011,pg. 4). Now that we have all of the hoopla out of the way and we have a word for word description of what management is, we will now discuss exactly what a managers role is as far as the employee goes and then maybe touch on what a manager should do, and how he should act to be effective. Management of 25 years ago has changed drastically throughout the years. Management, especially upper management, ruled the roost and usually had a reputation for being feared or somebody who could administer discipline with no remorse. This is the management of long-ago. Even though we describe the role of the manager in a typical organization today, there are still certain traits that a manager should have and with these traits a manager will excel in applying the four functions of management. A managers role in a company or organization is spelled out above, but in laymans terms a manager is expected to directly control or lead employees by example and organization to make sure that the job is done right. This would include directing certain employees or subordinates to make sure there is plenty of material available to aid in production of a product. A manager must also make sure that an employee running the machine has the raw material available and that the machine is set up within specs to put out a salable, prime product. After the product is manufactured a manager must also make sure that the product is delivered to either the next process, quality inspection, or shipping. This will depend on the type of product being made and exactly what is being produced. A manager is also required to make sure that the hours of the employees are accounted for and remunerated accordingly. Depending on what type of management, a human resources manager would be concerned with making sure that the organization has employees that are correctly skilled to the right level to aid in the manufacture of the organizations product. A manager can have many roles in an organization, this is why there are different levels of management ranging from first line managers, middle managers, top managers, and the CEO or owner of the organization. If all the management and employees work together as one, an organization or company should run like a well oiled machine. One of the traits that I think that a manager should possess and will excel him at his job is agreeableness. In order to be a decent manager you must be high on the level of agreeableness. If you attain this level you will be well-liked, and get along very well with others including other managers. This would be a big plus while maintaining the four functions of management. In the planning stage of any project is definitely a lot better to deal with people if you had a question concerning that project. People will be more apt to talk with you in depth about planning a project or even a company from the base stages and so on if you were a likable person. If you werent well-liked, well I know if I dont like somebody I am very less likely to even talk with the person let alone answer questions in depth. Thats just plain old psychology 101. In all stages of business management you are a well-liked person that people like to talk to, the organizing, leading, and controlling of employees and resources in any organization will flow like water. The reason for this is in all the stages of management there are other employees and even other managers that you will have to deal with in order to organize, lead, or control a situation in the organization. It is much better to deal with these people with a happy face as the text states, The great leaders of tomorrow realized that putting on a human face and communicating with their employees isnt easy if you have a reputation as a subdued, distant or intimidating person. (Walmsley,2003,para. 8). Another management trait that is way up there in my opinion is conscientiousness. This is the tendency to be careful, scrupulous and persevering. (Jones,2011,pg. 80). Of course this is what the text says but how I would describe it would be a person who sees the job through with a keen eye for detail and organization. Managers who have a high level of conscientiousness are a big plus for any organization due to the fact that any tasks that are given to them will be seen through completely to the end with meticulous detail. In the four stages of business management, conscientiousness would be a plus for every stage individually. The planning stage goes without saying because a person who is meticulous and pays attention to details will leave no rock unturned when it comes to planning any stage of an organization. This rings true in the organizing part of management also. An organized manager is one who will have all his ducks in a row, that is knowing exactly where every timecard or order form is. He will know every step of the production process and make himself available. Being very scrupulous according to definition is a big plus in any organizing tasks. In leading employees, a manager should be very careful in how they make statements or handle employees. The careful part of the definition would take care of this to a T because in being a manager one must always be careful when dealing with employees or subordinates due to the fact that you never really know whats going on in another persons life. Body language and demeanor can be read but being careful what you say or how you lead will get the job done. This would be the same instance in controlling the situation and organization, whether it be a person, subordinate, or even another manager, if you are careful how you attack the situation you will surely persevere. The final trait that I would like to propose that all management should possess is extroversion. If a person is highly extroverted they have a tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of the world. (Jones,2011,pg. 47). In other words a person who is an extrovert or has a high level of extroversion has a tendency to be outgoing, friendly, and socially forthcoming. He would be the one you would like to talk to a party, but in the same instance he would also be the one you would like to discuss a work related problem with. Communication is the horse in which all extroverts ride. He is a manager who will be there when he is needed and even discuss personal problems when queried. A manager who is highly extroverted will be a highly skilled communicator, capable of problem solving. Extroverts dont necessarily have to be intelligent due to the fact that upper-level extroversion is based on positive emotions and moods. Extroverts will also exhibit a high level of agreeableness due to the fact that they are usually well-liked. In regards o the four functions of management, the extrovert would probably be the first one to the management planning meeting and have nothing but great things to say as the outcome. An extrovert will be the first one to congratulate you on a job well done. He would be the one that brought a boost to the moods of anybody else in the meeting. Even though an extroverted manager may bring light to different situations when it comes to social interactions such as meetings or company dinners, they may or may not be organized but in my opinion they would have a high level of control over their subordinates or employees in which they manage. An extroverted manager would be a great leader because of their feel-good attitude and positive emotional imprints. They would definitely possess traits that people would follow and in turn would disperse a feeling of satisfaction with the job. And according to many texts but primarily Singh Ashish, Satisfaction with job has always been an area of concern for both practicing managers and academicians, primarily because of the reason that job satisfaction significantly affects major organizational outcomes, such as individual performance, organizational productivity, employee absenteeism and employee turnover. (Singh,2011,para. 1) This sounds like a very positive reason to have someone capable of spreading a high level of job satisfaction. There are many other personality traits that would be positive in a managers role. Even though we describe the role of the manager in a typical organization today, there are still certain traits that a manager should have and with these traits a manager will excel in applying the four functions of management. Other than those described previously, self-esteem, locus of control whether by internal or external and openness to experience are a few that, depending on which side of the scale you are on, would be positive as a manager trait also. The three that I feel are the most relevant are listed above as agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extroversion. If a manager possessed all three of these traits, some in moderation of course, I would for sure have a tendency to hire him or her as fully competent in fulfilling the job of a management position.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Cult Of Domesticity Slave Narratives English Literature Essay

Cult Of Domesticity Slave Narratives English Literature Essay Slave narratives give an account of the physical brutality and deprivation that many slaves were forced to endure; slave narrators ultimately write his or her self into an existence recognized by dominant American society. The author illustrates the way he/she overcomes the slaveholding societys continuing attempts to destroy his/her identity; concurrently, the narrator also rewrites that identity to fit the dominant cultures norms, despite the fact that these norms tend to conflict with his/her own experiences during slavery. Male slave narratives have ultimately highlighted on heroic male slaves, not on their wives, daughters or sisters; for a female her relationships as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and friend would ultimately demonstrate her womanliness and her shared roles with white women readers (who do not need to contest their womanliness). The many different choices Linda has made throughout her life including her attempt to free herself from her masters moral degradati on, her relationship with Mr. Sands, her strategy for saving her children, and her concealment is how she illustrates to her reader the ways in which she has strived to live up to their standards. Ultimately, Linda Brent is caught between the vile, abusive practices of slavery and the idealized cult of domesticity. By focusing almost entirely on the narratives of male slaves, critics have left out half the picture. Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is representative of African American Orr 2 womens literary tradition, or of a feminine model of identity formation. It is safe to say that both male and female slave narratives strove to counter racial stereotypes; it is also safe to say that black men and women however faced very different stereotypes. Black slave men fought against the stereotype that were boys (transition to manhood as in Douglass) while black women struggled to defend the idea that they were either helpless victims or whores. For a male fugitive, public discourse was a way in which he would declare his place and identity among men. The form in which Jacobs narrative is written is a direct result of gender differences among men and women. Because women slave narrators were held hostages to the nineteenth-century ideal of the cult of domesticity which demanded a standard of feminine purity that slavery denied them, they were excluded from the public discourse of their stories in the dominant culture that publicly insisted on the cult of pure womanhood. Her primarily white readership at the time insisted that women should choose death before dishonor; they would not recognize so-called mothers of children who were bastards. Harriet Jacobs could not demonstrate to her primarily white female readership how she had been the perfect wife or mother that the cult of domesticity demanded but she emphasizes the ways in which she strove to meet those same demands given her peculiar position. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl present the authors confession of what her readers might consider a sin-ridden past and a justification of her motives to a potentially disapproving readership. Northern white women could have possibly identified with the female slave in times of hardship and may have even made allowances for her behavior under duress, however, Jacobs appears to take for granted that her readers will apply to Linda Brent the moral standards that were imposed upon them. She emphasizes, Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible Orr 3 for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.(119) She calls attention to that of female slaves who suffered horrible mental tortures and humiliation such as sexual harassment and the loss of their children. Jacobs mentions numerous examples of Dr. Flints behavior as proof of the corrupting power of slavery and its negative effects especially on the female slaves maternal and womanly experiences. Dr. Flint batters Brents purity of mind with constant insinuations and harassment; he built a cottage in the field for her to live in but she refused him. If she had accepted his offer, her life would have been spent undergoing more of his foul insults and sexual abuse. Her decision to become a mother was a direct result of Dr. Flints constant sexual advances. Linda admits that she accepted Mr. Sands advances toward her as, deliberate calculation. She states: But, O, ye happy women, whose purity has been sheltered from childhood, who have been free to choose the objects of your affection, whose homes are protected by law, do not judge the poor desolate slave girl too severely! If slavery had been abolished, I, also could have married the man of my choiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I wanted to keep myself pure; and under the most adverse circumstances, I tried hard to preserve my self respect; but I was struggling alone in the powerful grasp of the demon slavery; and the monster proved too strong for me. (83-84) Since, Flint denied Brent marriage to a free black man and refused to sell her to anyone, Brent knew that she would never be allowed a traditional home and family therefore not achieving the proper standards of white women. If Linda had the choice to love and marry whom she pleased then, she would gladly take it. But the fact remains she does not. Through her relationship with Mr. Sands she gains some control over her body; if she cannot marry whom she pleases then at least she can choose with whom she will reproduce. By choosing Sands as a lover and father to Orr 4 her children, Brent went against the ideal image of womanhood and instead dealt with the position she was in. Jacobs writes about Mr. Sands: I felt grateful for his sympathy, and encouraged by his kind words.   It seemed to me a great thing to have such a friend.   By degrees, a more tender feeling crept into my heart.   Of course I saw whither all this was tending, I knew the impassable gulf between us; but to be an object of interest to a man who is not married, and who is not her master, is agreeable to the pride and feelings of a slave, if her miserable situation has left her any pride or sentiment. It seems less degrading to give ones self, than to submit to compulsion.   There is something akin to freedom in having a lover who has no control over you, except that which he gains by kindness and attachment. (Jacobs 84) She made the choice to willingly give up her virginity outside of marriage; an action that is completely against traditional moral codes. Brent recognizes that it is through her right to choose that a woman gains moral integrity, not through the physical virginity with which the choice is associated. She chooses Sands to upset Dr. Flint in hopes of being free from his sexual advances and to also possibly secure her freedom and that of future children; Of a man who was not my master I could ask to have my children well supported; and in this case, I felt confident I should obtain the boon. I also felt quite sure that they would be made free. (85-86) While attempting to embrace the ideals of womanhood, Brent is able to recognize and disregard the standards that cannot be applied and established for her. She says: Pity me, and pardon me, O virtuous reader! You never knew what it is to be a slave; to be entirely unprotected by law or custom; to have the laws reduce you to the condition of a chattel, entirely subject to the will of another. You never exhausted your ingenuity in avoiding the snares, and eluding the power of a hated tyrant; you never shuddered at the sound of his footsteps, and trembled within hearing of his voice. I know I did wrongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Still, in looking back calmly, on the events of my life, I feel that the slave woman ought not to be judged by the same standard as others. (Jacobs 86) This statement declares that other women have no right to criticize Brent for revealing her sexual history unless they have walked in her shoes and been witness to all she has endured. Orr 5 Furthermore, Jacobs argues, that the audience cannot possibly understand what she has been through. The quote is directed to the white female audience and suggests that particularly female slaves should not be judged according to the moral standards of everyone else. Nevertheless, Brent is constantly trying to live up to the cult of true womanhood by attempting to find ways to secure the freedom of her two children. Jacobs emphasizes her narrators maternal emotions towards her children; motherhood depicted in the narrative is significant because it is a strong connection between herself and her readers and, most importantly, one that goes above race and social status. In presenting the life of the slave mother as one of constant misery and pain, Jacobs earn the sympathy of her readers and motivates them to focus on her maternal experience as the reason behind her desire to be free. Lindas actions are mostly determined by the effect they will have on her children and their future liberation. Many female slaves were incapable of keeping their families together but Brent converted her body from a position of exploitation to a vehicle of resistance when she challenged the authority of the slave master and worked to liberate her children. Jacobs write s, My thoughts wandered through the dark past, and over the uncertain future. Alone in my cell, where no eye but Gods could see me, I wept bitter tears. How earnestly I prayed to him to restore me to my children, and enable me to be a useful woman and a good mother! (202). Lindas calculated advantage of being with Mr. Sands was not enough to secure the liberation of her children and her escape from Flints pursuit. Significantly, Linda takes actions that promote the well-being of her children constantly throughout the narrative. She devises a plan to hide in the garret to protect the love she has for her children; she removes her physical body in order to safeguard them. Most importantly, Linda never seriously takes into consideration running away to the North without her children. Her Orr 6 flight is always understood as a necessary precaution for the betterment of their lives and sacrificing her physical and emotional intimacy with them is crucial in order to achieve her ultimate goal: their emancipation. The ending of the narrative was startling. Freedom was gained from none other than Mrs. Bruce who bought the freedom of the children and Linda. Mrs. Bruce is a very significant character in the narrative and stands as a role model of courage and political activism for the audience. She is also an example of a white woman who uses her own motherhood to help that of a slave. The narrative ends with the quote: Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage. I and my children are now free! We are as free from the power of slave holders as are the white people of the north; and though that, according to my ideas, is not saying a great deal, it is a vast improvement in my condition. (Jacobs 302) By stating this, she is explicitly referring to the ideal of the cult of true womanhood. Even though Brent succumbs to the values of her readers she, however, resists their authority to judge her by those values. She makes a significant point about values and life situations; that is, not everyone can be judged by the same standards and points out the ways in which womanhood and motherhood are corrupted by slavery itself. Brents story does not end in the conventional feminine way; the narrative ends, not with a solitary speaker, but with a woman gratefully acknowledging her bonds to her children and friends, bonds that were freely chosen. Jacobs primarily female white readership may have been sympathetic to her pseudonym Lindas struggles to secure the unity of her family, to show extensive sexual encounters between slave and master, and to display the inhumane institution of slavery itself but instead the narrative was written in a trial by jury format (white women being the jury, and Brents life Orr 7 being the trial). By calling upon her fellow women and mothers to be witnesses to her life as a, poor desolate slave girl she challenges them to understand that she could not emulate the standards that were imposed upon white women at the time; in her own way she proved herself to be a worthy woman and mother even if it did not end with marriage.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics Essay -- Biolo

The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics It is my observation that the average person gains insight into the nature vs. nurture debate when some particular human trait that is politically or socially volatile at the time is announced as having a specific genetic origin. This observation was confirmed when, in surfing the web, I came across an article entitled, "Female Inner Ear Comes Out of the Closet (1)." While reporting on a study published by a UT psychology professor who found that homosexual women exhibit tones in the inner ear similar to those of male test subjects, the Daily Texan journalist, with no explanation or sources, effortlessly mixes and confuses the social construction with the "science" of sexual orientation—even in her or his title. Attempting to get to the root of how an individual's sexual preference is determined, and the subsequent attempt to designate these individual tendencies into definitive statements regarding large groups in society has become a seductive topic for numerous media source s within the past decade or so. A closer look at this debate reveals the relative error of exploring one side without an equal exploration of the other. Dean Hamer et al at the National Cancer Institute published the initial paper that is accountable for the explosion of interest and argument regarding genetic determination of sexual preference in 1993 (2). Hamer's study found that, of thirty-two pairs of brothers who were "exclusively or mostly" homosexual, twenty-two pairs of brothers shared the same type of genetic material. This introduced the idea that there is a gene for homosexuality. Hamer went on to identify a specific genetic sequence that exists on the maternally passed-on X chromosome... ... our society than whether or not sexual preference is a choice: that humans today are too focused on the why and the how of society and not the what and for what good. References 1)University of Texas Psychology Page, a short article from a local newspaper citing new and strange study 2)Bryn Mawr College Student Biology Page, good overview of major genetics of sexual orientation studies in last decade 3)Hampshire University Website, thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of genetics of sexual orientation 4)Frank Aqueno Website, an interesting but biased conversation between a famous professor/author and an gay rights activist

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Bartleby, the Scrivener :: Bartleby Scrivener Essays

Bartleby, the Scrivener Bartleby, the Scrivener was a most interesting story. The characters were very interesting to the intuitive reader. The narrator is an interesting man who is difficult to completely understand. The narrator's thoughts seem unclear even to himself. The narrator seems to have a sincere wish to help Bartleby in whatever way he can. His sincerity, though, is questionable. Every time the narrator tries to assist Bartleby, he seems to do it only to gratify himself. After the narrator informs Bartleby that the office must be vacated, he says to himself, "As I walked home in a pensive mood, my vanity got the better of my pity." The narrator is glad to have gotten rid of Bartleby, but only it seems, because he gave Bartleby money. This quasi- sincerity does seem to take a turn, however, towards the end of the story. After all the trivial attempts to help Bartleby, the narrator seems to have an instant of true feeling for Bartleby. After moving, and being rid of Bartleby, someone comes to him on Bartleby's behalf. The narrator goes to the prison to check on Bartleby only because he cares and knows that nobody else does. He knows that if he does not check on Bartleby's well- being, no one will. This shows that he is truly beginning to care. This man, the narrator, is also a very weak willed man. He seems to put up with nearly everything. He tolerates the tempers of both Turkey and Nippers day after day. Both these men appear to be alcoholics, as for instance, when Turkey returns from lunch he is not able to write without blotting the paper. When the narrator suggests that the two scriveners work only half a day, they refuse. And so, the narrator allows the behavior to continue. Also, when Bartleby first starts work, the narrator says that he placed him behind a screen so that he, ' Might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though not to remove him from my voice." This wall served no real purpose other than to set himself apart from the scriveners, that is, to make hi mself feel more important. Also, when the narrator asked Bartleby to do something, Bartleby said simply that he, "would prefer not to." The narrator allowed this behavior and offered no discipline. Bartleby did whatever he felt like doing. Again later, Bartleby quit working altogether. Bartleby, the Scrivener :: Bartleby Scrivener Essays Bartleby, the Scrivener Bartleby, the Scrivener was a most interesting story. The characters were very interesting to the intuitive reader. The narrator is an interesting man who is difficult to completely understand. The narrator's thoughts seem unclear even to himself. The narrator seems to have a sincere wish to help Bartleby in whatever way he can. His sincerity, though, is questionable. Every time the narrator tries to assist Bartleby, he seems to do it only to gratify himself. After the narrator informs Bartleby that the office must be vacated, he says to himself, "As I walked home in a pensive mood, my vanity got the better of my pity." The narrator is glad to have gotten rid of Bartleby, but only it seems, because he gave Bartleby money. This quasi- sincerity does seem to take a turn, however, towards the end of the story. After all the trivial attempts to help Bartleby, the narrator seems to have an instant of true feeling for Bartleby. After moving, and being rid of Bartleby, someone comes to him on Bartleby's behalf. The narrator goes to the prison to check on Bartleby only because he cares and knows that nobody else does. He knows that if he does not check on Bartleby's well- being, no one will. This shows that he is truly beginning to care. This man, the narrator, is also a very weak willed man. He seems to put up with nearly everything. He tolerates the tempers of both Turkey and Nippers day after day. Both these men appear to be alcoholics, as for instance, when Turkey returns from lunch he is not able to write without blotting the paper. When the narrator suggests that the two scriveners work only half a day, they refuse. And so, the narrator allows the behavior to continue. Also, when Bartleby first starts work, the narrator says that he placed him behind a screen so that he, ' Might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though not to remove him from my voice." This wall served no real purpose other than to set himself apart from the scriveners, that is, to make hi mself feel more important. Also, when the narrator asked Bartleby to do something, Bartleby said simply that he, "would prefer not to." The narrator allowed this behavior and offered no discipline. Bartleby did whatever he felt like doing. Again later, Bartleby quit working altogether.

Norman Mclean’s A River Runs Through It :: Norman Mclean A River Runs Through It

Norman Mclean’s A River Runs Through It explores many feelings and experiences of one â€Å"turn of the century† family in Missoula, Montana. In both the movie, directed by Robert Redford, and the original work of fiction we follow the Mcleans through their joys and sorrows. However, the names of the characters and places are not purely coincidental. These are the same people and places known by Norman Mclean as he was growing up. In a sense, A River Runs Through It is Mclean’s autobiography. Although these autobiographical influences are quite evident throughout the course of the story they have deeper roots in the later life of the author as he copes with his life’s hardships. The characters in the movie and book are taken straight from Mclean’s life. From the hard working, soft centered, minister father, to the drunken, â€Å"down on his luck†, brother-in-law, Neil. The character of Paul appears the be the most true to life member of Norman’s family. The audience quickly becomes familiar with Paul and his quick-tempered, always ready for anything attitude. This is evident in the beginning of the story with Paul’s frequent phrase â€Å"...with a bet on the to make things interesting (Mclean 6).† â€Å"It was almost funny and sometimes not so funny to see a boy always wanting to bet on himself and almost sure to win (Mclean 5).† Unlike Norman who was rigorously home schooled every morning, while Paul seemed to escape this torment. The boys would spend their afternoons frolicking in the woods and fishing the Big Blackfoot River. The differences that developed between Paul’s and Norman’s fishing styles b ecome evident in the published versions of Mclean’s life as well as his real life. Norman followed the traditional style taught by their preacher-father, ten and two in a four -count rhythm, like a metronome. The four-count rhythm, of course, is functional. The one count takes the line, leader, and fly off the water; the two count tosses them seemingly straight into the sky; the three count was my father’s way of saying that at the top the leader and fly have to be given a little beat of time to get behind the line as it is starting forward; the four count means put on the power and throw the line into the rod until you reach ten o’clock-then check-cast, let the fly and leader get ahead of the line, and coast to a soft and perfect landing (Mclean 4).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Policing Reforms Essay

When reading the case study from Chapter eight in â€Å"Criminal Justice Organization† that dealt with policing reforms and how to implement those several questions were raised at the end of the chapter that I would like to address.   The first was the obstacles to those putting these reforms into place.   What were the issues and concerns of the officers when putting these new reforms into place?   Would these new supervisory reforms be accepted well with the officers and the department?   Would the fears of the community and officers be calmed by supervisors and how would the supervisors do this?   These questions I hope to answer in this essay and allow the reader to see just how effective these reforms are for a healthy society, community and police force. Policing reform includes communities as well as police departments.   Policing and community involvement, to me is more of a democratic policing for society.   Many departments have had issue with their officers and this reform.   But with contemporary styles being introduced the picture is changing.   In the article the officers at fires thought that, â€Å"More contemporary approaches to policing such as community policing ideals and practices, were â€Å"Bullshit† and coddling criminals, as far as he was concerned† (p.207). A new supervisor with the new reforms in mind came into his position with real motivation to change the face of the police department.   â€Å"Bratton had adopted an idea postulated by some Ivy League types that the erosion of quality of life in a community led towards urban decay and ultimately unchecked crime† (207).   The new supervisor had discussed with police and politicians how working with the community and their concerns actually showed a decrease in crime.   He also went on the say that this involvement with the community can be as simple as social programs that would meet individual’s basic needs to the cleaning of neighborhoods and cracking down on crime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shifts in the structure of policing would need to happen.   These changes would include more concentration on â€Å"community policing principals† (207).   Other things would be creating substations or mini-stations around the community to keep officers close to their respective communities.   The ideal being the better you know you community the more effective and efficient the officers would be.  Ã‚   Creating watch groups and have weekly meeting with members of the community to pinpoint problems. What better policing than community policing.   Also, also talking with landlords and business owners on effective efforts and ways they can help to prevent drugs and drug houses moving into the community.   Enhancing direct services such as issues with community health in the article the new supervisor had even tried to implement a plan that would involve officers giving aid in transportation to health clinics and departments but liability issues prevented this from happening.   I think this will be something that we could see happening in the policing functions in the near future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The officers in the story felt that these efforts and concepts of policing reforms were just â€Å"a waste of time† (208).   They had issues with how their performance had been evaluated in the past verses how they would be evaluated after the reforms were in place.   The new policies required more involvement with the communities and getting a sense of unity with the community. â€Å"The purpose of these efforts was to get a feel for the pulse of the community and its problems† (209).   The officers had a problem with evaluations being group instead of being based on individual merit.   But in my opinion this would strengthen the department on a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Police supervisors according to the article are to interact more with the officers.   Don’t use status to separate them from their subordinates getting them involved to identify problems and crime in the community making the officers the experts of their own community.   Supervisors would be seen as support and an in-between for the officers and the upper level management in the department along with being a catalyst between police and the community.   The officer in the story opposed to these changes brought in the union citing that he felt this unfair and a violation of his labor agreement, but the reforms were not seen as being unfair or a violation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I don’t believe him to be idealistic rather unmotivated to change, because once the officers saw that results for the good of the community their minds were changed very quickly.   If something works and is good for the group as a whole then ethically you would have to change your attitude. There was also improvement in officer’s jobs that could be seen, such as more say in how they thought they should do their jobs.   Since they are the ones actually on the beat forty hours or more a week, somehow being your own critic makes you the best critic for the job.   Supervisors are fundamental in addressing the fears of officers as well as communities.   A supervisor that has strong managerial skills and an ability to show strong leadership and direction would benefit any police department and help in implementing policing reform in any police department. Reference: Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2003).   Personnel, supervision, and evaluation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ch. 8.   Criminal Justice Organization.   New York: Wadsworth/Thompson

Monday, September 16, 2019

Basketball and Soccer

Basketball and Soccer Do you know what the differences are between soccer and basketball? These are the two most popular sports around the world. Soccer was invented over 2000 years ago in China. On the other hand, basketball is one of my favorite sports. Originally, this game was played in American schools in 1891. There are some differences between basketball and soccer such as, the part of the body that you play with, the number of players and the form of shooting.Though soccer and basketball have large differences, they are both the most popular sports in the world. First of all, the most noticeable difference between these two sports is the parts of the body that are involved in the games. For example, in soccer the players have to use their legs because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. That is to say is more a feet sport. In contrast, ba sketball is a sport where you mostly use your hands. In soccer, if you kick the ball the other team gets the ball. Athletes in both sports †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Second of all, in basketball and soccer each team has a different number of players. In soccer there are eleven players per team on the field†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ On the other hand, in basketball there are only five players per team on the court at one time. A soccer field, is bigger that a basketball court because there are more people playing at once. This†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Finally, the form of shooting is another difference that distinguishes these sports. In soccer, goals are scored when the ball passes across the line, between the goal posts into the net.The ball is moved by kicking the ball with your feet and is shot into the goal. On the other hand, in basketball the players pass the ball with their hands and move the ball by bouncing it on the court. The goals in each sport are worth a different amount points. For example in soccer each goal is woth one point and in basketball each basket is worth one, two or three points. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are someof the most popular sports, even though they are different.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evaluating Truth And Validity Exercise Essay

The argument â€Å"a mature person is self-directing, so parents who make all their children’s for them are doing their offspring a disservice† has allot of validity to it, and in more ways than one is true. A child whose parents or guardians make all of his or her decisions for them, are in a way hindering the child because the child does not have the opportunity to think for himself. When that child grows up and needs to be able to make important decisions such as what college to go to, who to marry, or what kind of job to apply for, that child will more likely than not, not know how to properly decide based on the information or facts provided to him or her. For instance if a child grows up and is faced with what college to go to and that child has never had to make any important decision for himself, that child may end up in a college going after a degree program that is not truly what he or she wants to do with their life based on what his or her parent tell them t hey should go into. That child has then wasted four to five years of his or her life and has to start all over searching for the proper degree or job where he or she can thrive financially and be happy. There is a minute percent of children who will be able to overcome the mentality of not having to think on his or her own and be able to make the important decisions that need to be made, but at what price? How many times will that child have to make the wrong choice and suffer because they were not allowed to think on their own? The constant failure and rejection could possibly make matters worse for the child, and could lead to relinquishing all hope. The argument â€Å"the Bible can’t be relevant to today’s problems; it was written many centuries ago and is filled with archaic phrasing† is another argument with some validity and non-validity. There are people who claim since the Bible was written over 2,000 years ago that it does not apply to today’s standards, and there are people who say the teachings in the Bible  are meant for all people to follow as a general guideline. The argument can go either way, but if you look at what the Bible really is, it is a book with stories, such as a history book, about people who lived 2,000 plus years ago and the things they went through. If you were to say because it was written back a long time ago it does not apply to today’s standards, would be the same thing as saying because our history books teach about Abraham Lincoln and when he lived in the 1700’s, that those stories are irrelevant. The Bible is a book for Christian based people to read, and is intended as a guideline for these people on how to properly live their life. There are many stories in the Bible that may or may not apply to today’s standards, such as the Old Testament teachings, but that is not to say the entire Bible is not relevant to today’s problems. The Bible teaches not to kill and steal, and if 90 percent of people who are in prison followed these two teachings, they would not be in prison today. The other stories about the people who lived in the Bible days are interesting to some, and not to others, as are most history books ever written about the history of the world. Does this mean we need to stop teaching our children about the history of the world because the teachings in the history books occurred over three centuries ago? I think it just because the Bible represents a faith based book, and that is why it is so ridiculed. The argument â€Å"it’s ridiculous to think that there will be fewer deaths if we ban handguns. Handguns don’t kill people; people kill people† has no validity to it in that an actual handgun itself cannot do anything on its own, it is an inanimate object. A handgun or any other type of gun requires a person to physically pick it up, point, and shoot in order to make it operate; a handgun cannot just fire on its own. When people say that handguns kill people, it is the same as saying that a spoon made another person fat, or a car made another person steal it. These are objects that must have an operator or some sort of life force to operate these inanimate objects. Did handguns assist in the killing of a person is a more proper question to ask. If a person wants another person dead and there is not a handgun around, that person will be creative and come up with another means to kill that person. Take John Wayne Gacy for instance, he did not need the use of a handgun to murder hundreds of young boys, he used rope and scarfs  to strangle his victims. There are people who claim without handguns certain crimes would not take place, and that may be possible, but if the person wanting to perform the crime was adamant on doing it and did not have a gun, that person would use alternative measures to finish the crime.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

African Rock Python Essay

The African rock python. It is Domain: Eukarya. Domain is the highest taxonomic rank of organisms, higher than a kingdom. The African rock python falls under Eukarya because it is a multicellular organism composed of eukaryotic cells. It is Kingdom: Anamalia. Kingdom is the second highest rank. It falls under Anamalia for obvious reasons. It is Phylum: Chordata. Phylum is the primary division of the plant or animal kingdom. It is Class: Reptilia. Class is a group of related plants or animals, in the general classification of plants and animals. The African rock python falls under Reptilia because it has a characteristic of being cold-blooded. It is Order: Squamata. Order is a taxonomic rank used in classifying organisms, generally below the class, and comprised of families sharing a set of similar nature or characteristics. The African rock python shed their skin periodically and have very flexible jaws, which are characteristics of Squamata. It is Family: Pythonidae. Organisms belonging to the same family would have evolved from the same ancestors and share relatively common characteristics. The Pythonidae family is a family of non-venomous snakes who are powerful constrictors that wrap around their prey to kill it. This family includes the African rock python. It’s Genus: Python. In binomial nomenclature, the genus is used as the first word of a scientific name. It’s Species: Python sebae. Species is the second part of the name is the binomial nomenclature. The name Python Sebae was derived from the Greek mythology, which refers to a huge serpent. The largest snake in Africa and the third largest snake in the world, the African rock python, have long bulky bodies. Snakes are considered vertebrates because they have a backbone, a closed circulatory system, where the heart and blood vessels are continuously contracting. The blood never leaves the blood vessels. The outer layer of the epidermis is thick and lacks glands. It is characterized by keratin scales. Ranging anywhere from an average size of 18 to 20 feet long, but can grow up to 28 feet long! The females are larger than the males and can weigh almost 300lbs. However the size may vary according to their natural habitat. It is amazing to note that in areas where there is a higher population, the size of the African rock python has been smaller in size, as compared to areas where human habitat is less; the African Rock Python snake is much bigger in ize. African Rock Pythons are often tan with brown spots that have black outlines. This helps them camouflage in the environment, and gives them an advantage to hunt their prey or hide from potential predators. This is considered cryptic camouflage. A V-shape noticeably marks the face. This python is non-venomous, and has teeth curved inward to help pull in prey when eating. Like all pythons, the scales of the African rock python are small and smooth, and those nearby the lips control heat-sensitive pits, which are used to distinguish warm-blooded prey, even in the dark. Pythons also possess two functioning lungs, unlike more â€Å"advanced† snakes which have only one, and also have small, visible pelvic spurs, believed to be the remnants of hind limbs. It is said that snakes are evolved from lizards that burrowed in tunnels or in water, and the use of hind legs made it harder for them to burrow. Over time there legs started to grow shorter and eventually becoming useless, leaving behind what is now known as there spurs, located right before the anus. The rate of this evolution occurred at a slow constant pace over millions of years. This evidence of evolution would be considered phylogeny, the evolutionary relationship among species. African rock pythons reside in sub-Saharan Africa, but prefer evergreen forests or moist, open savannahs. You will always most likely find an African rock python associated with water and often are found near rivers and lakes. The African rock python has recently been found on the loose in Florida. Not many know how the massive snake happened to come about in Florida. Many believe they were released purposely, because the owner or breeder was ill-equipped for the intensity of this particular snake. A frightening factor has arisen since the African rock python has inhabited the south Florida territory. The Burmese python has already established foothold in the Everglades. The fear of a new â€Å"Super Snake† breed arising if the Burmese and African rock python were to mate, strikes fear that a hybrid python may be on the rise in the Everglades. Knowing that the African rock is bigger and more aggressive than the Burmese python which is about 17 feet long, the â€Å"super snake† would surpass that length. It would not only hamper the ecosystem but would also be dangerous for families with small children. The python hunts by smelling food with its tongue, flicking it up and down. Although the African rock python are already powerful on land, this brainy serpent employs an even more impressive tactic underwater. Ever adaptable, the pythons that reside near water thrive on fish. Much older snakes can use the water to its advantage and hunt greater prey. They can remain under water and every 30 minutes come up to take a discrete breath. It uses heat-sensing organs, called photoreceptors to detect warm-blooded prey. Because the African rock python is non-venomous it squeezes its food. Every time the prey exhales, the python constricts a little more, so that inhalation becomes increasingly difficult. Death is caused mostly by cardiac arrest rather than myths or urban legends articulating that their prey was crushed to death. African rock pythons, as well as every python, are carnivores. Their diet consists of large rodents, monkeys, antelopes, crocodiles, dogs, goats, and poultry . They have strong acids inside their stomach which helps them to digest their food. It is rare of the African rock python hunting for humans. After eating a large animal, the python needs no food for a long time, and may rest for weeks. In this engorged state, it is most vulnerable to attack by predators. In most cases if the snake feels threatened it will regurgitate the food and escape to shelter. African Rock Python becomes sexually active as early as 3-5 years old and reproduce during the spring. The female snake lets out a pheromone which attracts the male snake to mate. During the breeding season both the sexes fast and the female continues the fast till the eggs are hatched. African rock pythons fall under the subclass: protheria. They are oviparous, meaning they reproduce by laying eggs, which hatch outside the mother’s body. Surprisingly the python shows distinct mother instincts by coiling around the eggs, protecting them from predators, and incubating the eggs to help with development until they hatch, which is about 90 days. Which makes this species rather interesting as parenting is quite a foreign concept to reptiles. Hatchlings are between 18–24 inches in length, and have temper when born. Some are known to strike when hatching. They are nearly identical to adults, except with more distinguishing colors. African Rock Python can live up to 12 years in wild however they can live up to 30 years in captivity. It is said that the African rock python is does not run the risk of extinction, but is listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). There is a high demand for the python’s skin and meat in the market, mostly to make leather, belts and purses. Exporting of these exotic animals is known to be illegal. Some of the African rock python’s habitats are also known to be under threat due to destruction for the oil industry. In some cases the African rock python might be a prey to hyenas or the African wild dogs during their digestion period, but aside from humans, adult African rock pythons have very few natural predators due to their large size. For the reason that these species can reach significant sizes, their constricting power must be respected. Most cases found of African rock pythons swallowing a crocodile whole, later to be found that the crocodile was not digested and penetrated the skin of the python. Although this species can easily kill an adult, there are only a few cases in which the victim, in most cases a child, was actually consumed. Rare cases have been reported of an African rock python consuming a 10 year old boy, or attempting to eat a child. In another case a 13 year old was swallowed, but the python was forced to regurgitate the body. The African rock python began being known as â€Å"Man-eating snake†. This factor of their strength, as well as size, separates this python from most other snakes. Maybe even all reptiles for that matter. African rock pythons have been known to go after monitor lizards, which are known to very aggressive and strong. This is one reason why African rock pythons should not be considered a first pet for someone who wants to own a snake. People who are ill-equipped owners or breeders do not know what to expect and end up getting ahead of themselves, and can no longer handle a beast that they just irresponsibly release them, no knowing what their actions have lead to. The African rock python has many fascinating features, from the way they hunt, the way they eat, live, breed, how big of an importance they to the environment not only around animals but humans as well. It’s amazing at how big they can get and to know exactly how powerful they can be. The types of animals they can bring down are twice their size. Their lifestyle captures my attention. Besides the fact, that I am attracted to exotic pets, I own a Royal python, commonly known as a Ball python. Similar to the African rock python, the ball python is considered more docile and smaller in length and hopefully size in the future, but it is still a dangerous animal and should not be handled lightly. This research paper has added to my knowledge of the African rock python as well as other common snakes. I have learned that what may seem to be a harmless hatchling at birth, can grow into an overgrown, powerful killing machine. This is also known as fatal attraction. I know that if I wanted to know release my ball python into the wild I would know how to do it properly. The choice of owning a python, or any snake for that matter , is a choice that needs to be taken seriously, these animals require attention, a stable and healthy living environment, and patience. You never know what to expect from them or when to expect something from them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Dissociation of Partnership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dissociation of Partnership - Essay Example Partnership agreements always include dissociation rights. Dissociation from a partnership can either be classified as non-wrongful or wrongful dissociation. Non-wrongful dissociations characterize by non-violation of partnership agreements. It includes events like retirement, a procedural and legal withdrawal of a partner in accordance with the partnerships regulations or death of a partner (Mallor, Barnes, & Bowers, 2013). Wrongful dissociation occurs when a dissociation of a given partner is in breach of a clear provision stipulated out in the partnership's agreement. It includes the unwarranted withdrawal of a partner prior to the completion of an undertaking or the exhausting the term of the partnership. Wrongful dissociation occurs in instances when a given partner files a bankruptcy petition or becomes a party to a bankruptcy as a debtor. The partners determine the judicial expulsions of a partner based on the requests made by other partners. The determinations of judicial expulsions link to an individual’s continuous and conscious breach of the partnership rules or irrational acts (Mallor, Barnes, & Bowers, 2013). Conclusion Statement Dissociation is not usually an automatic occurrence, as there are varieties of legal factors that lead to dissociation. Thus, KUPA encourages continuity of partnership after dissociation. Dissolution signifies the commencement of winding up procedure followed by redistribution of assets and liabilities (Mallor, Barnes, & Bowers, 2013).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Leadership and Symbolism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership and Symbolism - Assignment Example As it is common to most leaders, leadership involves persuading people to follow a common goal which is of importance to an organization, or a group. For this reason, leadership is mainly seen as a persuasion. For persuasion to take effect by a leader to the followers, there must be communication. Communication is, on the other hand, the transfer of symbols by the leadership so that the followers can perceive it well and bring understanding that is capable of enforcing leadership commands (Vickery, 2012). Symbolic framework provides space for inspirational leadership that is capable of turning around an organization, especially in terms of creating a culture of highly motivated employees after the employees have been demotivated through layoffs, terminations and going through issues of lack of trust. Starcorp as a company has undergone employee layoffs, terminations as well as issues of lack of trust on their leaders brought about by their previous leaders. At the same time, as Starc orp is now faced with the new NASA project that they need to take up, there is great need of making the employees work in harmony and in motivation as that is the only way to produce good results from their new project. It is easy for employees to lose trust on their leaders when they see them laying off other workers and terminating their contracts. When such have happened, there is need for leadership that can give assurance to the employees about their job security as well as better pay in order to make them motivated once again.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ethnology book report for Social Anthropology Essay

Ethnology book report for Social Anthropology - Essay Example te a reading material that would serve as an eye opener to the present human generation with regards the implicative existence of minor groups in the past so as to make a careful description as to how these groups were able to influence whatever culture, traditions and social understanding the present human generations recognizes today. Hence, as a careful discussion of the said issues, the book offers a clear picture of the past towards the development of the Cree and Martu communities. With the said discussions, the book is then able to give the readers a clear vision and better understanding of the issues that actually make it certain that the said indigenous groups of people have greatly contributed to the progress of human communities towards the present. More than that this published reading also gives a careful examination as to how the present human generation should give important views of appreciation towards the past generations that characterized the ancient human civilization. Anthropological studies have determined and distinguished many indigenous societies and tribes, which can be traced as the roots of most of the major physiological and cultural ancestry of the present contemporary civilization. During the cultural and social development in the human civilization, most of these indigenous tribes have been affected and experienced drastic cultural changes from their traditional ones. Some merge with the others to create a larger and greater social group who used their powers and influence to dominate others while the other social minorities were dominated by greater ones eradicating their personal socio-cultural nature. However at the present, there are still some indigent social tribes who were still able to preserve their own original nature and stay secluded from the major civilizations influence like that of the imperialism of west and the colonialism of the other dominant nations. These social minorities still managed to live with their

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A report on highest priority program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A report on highest priority program - Essay Example Also, the Department of Defense feels that the State has to bring back the allied forces so that the cost of maintaining such a high degree of expenditure n the troops can be minimized. Let us focus on the expenditure on the war on terror. The Department of Defense has spent an estimated amount of 4 Trillion USD. This is the highest amount of money spent by the Unites States of America upon a single agenda. The war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq has cost us a lot of money and the results of the same have not been any fruitful. Even though the companies based out of USA have got the chance and opportunity to built industries in the areas which have been inflicted by the war, the Department of Defense in consultation with the Department of Commerce feels that the economic spending has outgrown the income received by the US based companies from doing business in the war inflicted areas. The highest priority for the United States of America is to control the high level of external exp enditure of the state. The international debt has increased dramatically in the past 3 years and the Department of Commerce in consultation with us have concluded that the war on terror has had dramatic consequences on the purchasing power parity of the Government. There are thousands of troops who have been lined up in Iraq and Afghanistan and it is imperative that we should start cutting down on the supply of our troops in those countries. â€Å"The President spent $850 billion on defense in his first year. This included $530.1 billion for the DoD base budget, and $152.7 billion to fund other departments, such as Homeland Security and the Veterans Administration.† Understanding from the above observations, it is imperative that the State is spending a lot more amount on external security than it has to. The State must recognize the fact that the spending is going out of bounds and it might become difficult to grapple with it. We must be vigilant with our money and it is cru cial that we do not allow the spending to escalate our economic debts. The Department of Defense has made this report in consultation and advises from the Department of Commerce. Moving forward, the Department of Defense categorically state that the States and the President should remove 50% of the troops from the war affected areas by 2015. By the time the country enters a safe economic zone period, it is imperative that the troops are then brought back to the country. We plan to put in a system in place where the interior troops of Iraq and Afghanistan shall be trained and provided with ammunition to counter any insurgency. We shall start the training method by July 2014 and hope to accomplish the training of at least 100000 troops in those countries so that we can then start to remove our troops gradually and place their troops instead. This will also allow those nations to manage any insurgency or attacks and shall make them self-sufficient. Once we send out our troops from the war affected areas, we shall then create a system of checks and balances which will make sure that the process of replacing our troops with their troops is seamless. By 2016 end of the year we hope to have taken away all the allied forces away from the war-ridden areas and reduce our expenditure on war by 80%. This will give the economy the much-needed impetus in terms of monetary strength. The economy will be face